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How o Proouce Thea i Eglish吗?



Have you ever come across he word Theatheta英文怎么读,Iroducio

The word hea is proouced as /吗?θ i?? The firs soud i hea is he voiceless deal fricaive soud /θ/,which is similar o he h soud ihe word hik. The secod soud is he log vowel soud /i?/,as i he word ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/40c64dd7d5cfc673?.png"/>

To proouce hea correcly,sar by formig he /θ/ soud by placig your ogue agais your upper fro eeh ad blowig air u.ex,elogae hesoud of he /i吗?vowel by shapig your lips iosmilig posiio.fially, ed wih he schwa soud /?/ by relaxig your mouh ad ogue。

Pracice Makes Perfec


Like ay ew word . he key o maserig he prouciaio of ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/42eb997ada26b0e9?.png"/>

ow ha you kow how o proouce \\“hea\\”i Eglish,you ca cofidely use i i your coversaios ad impressohers wih your liguisic skills. Remember o pracice regularly o esureThea may seem like a ricky worda firs, bu wih dedicaio ad pracice,you'l maser i io ime !

