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Uleash he Power: A Guide o K/DA Seraphie i League of Legeds



Are you lookig o domiae he Rif wih syle ad grace吗?Look o furher ha K/DA Seraphie,he ewes addiio o he popular League of Legeds girl group. Wih hermesmerizig vocals ad powerful abiliies,Seraphie is sure o capivae boh your eemies ad eammaes alike.I his guide, we will delve io her skills, builds,ad sraegies o help you ulock her full poeial !

Skills Overview


即Sage Presece (Passive)。Seraphie's passive empowers her abiliies based o he umber of earby allies. Make sure o posiioyourself sraegically omaximize is effecs。

High oe (Q) . This abiliy allows Seraphie o poke eemies from a safe disace . Use i o harass youroppoes ad sack up her passive。

Surroud Soud . Seraphie's W is a grea uiliy ool ha ca heal ad shield boh herself ad her allies.Use i o susai i lae ad keep your eamalive durig eam fighs。

Bea Drop . Seraphie' isaversaile abiliy ha ca be used for boh egage ad disegage. Maserig heimig ad posiioig of his skill iscrucial o ouplayig your oppoes。

Ecore (R) Seraphie's ulimae is agame -chagig abiliy ha ca ur he ides of a eam figh. Use i o lockdow key arges ad secure vicoryfor your eam。

Builds ad Rues


Rues:是的,For Seraphie。i is recommeded o ake Arcae Come as your keysoe rue For icreased poke damage。是Oher viable opios iclude Phase Rush forkiig ad Summo Aery for addiioal poke。

Build Seraphie wih a mix of suppor ad AP Iems, such as Moosoe Reewer,Arde Ceser,ad Rabado's Deahcap. Adap your build based o he eemy eam composiio ad he curre game是sae。



我是Laig Phase Durig he Laig Phase focus o pokig your oppoes wih High oe while usig Surroud Soud osusai yourself ad your ADC. Coordiae wih your jugler osecure kills or objecives。

Team Fighs:I eam Fighs posiio yourself safely while usig your abiliies o peel for your carries oregage o prioriy arges. Use Ecore a he righmome o lock dow muliple eemies ad swig he figh i your是favor。

我是As K/DA Seraphie you have he poeial o roam ad ifluece oher laes wih your uiliy ad crowdcorol. Look for opporuiies o gak oher laes adsecure kills for your eammaes。



Wih her echaig voice ad powerful abiliies,K/DA Seraphie is a force o be reckoed Wih o he Rif. By maserig her skills,builds, ad sraegies,you ca uleash her full poeial ad domiae your eemies i syle. So gaher your eammaes,queue up for agame, ad show he world he power of K/DA Seraphie !

