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by与near的用法区别,Usage of \\\"By\\\"

By vs ear: Udersadig he Differece

Usage of By

by与near的用法区别,Usage of \\"By\\"

Oe of he mos commo uses of by is oidicae he age performig a acio. For example,i he seece Thebook was wrie by Joh, by shows ha Joh is he oe who wroe he book。

Whe o Use ear

by与near的用法区别,Usage of \\"By\\"

ear is used oidicae proximiy or closeess o somehig. For isace,you ca say The grocery sore isear my house o show ha he sore is close i disace o your residece。

Examples of By i Coex

by与near的用法区别,Usage of \\"By\\"

1. car was parked by he curb。

我是He wo He race by a arrow margi。

3. We ca reach a decisio by cosesus。

Examples of ear i Coex

by与near的用法区别,Usage of \\"By\\"

1. The park is ear he lake。

2. She lives ear he rai saio。

3. Le's mee ear he fouai i he square。

Key Differeces Bewee By ad ear

by与near的用法区别,Usage of \\"By\\"

While ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/52983ecfd47de14e?.png"/>

By ad ear are boh preposiios ha help clarify he relaioships bewee objecs or acios i a seece. By黑黑disicuses,you ca ehace your wriig ad speakig skills. Remember o pay aeio o coex ad choose he righ preposiiofor he siuaio。

