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nearly的用法,Udersadig he Defiiio of \\“early\\”

Explorig he Usage of early i Everyday Laguage

Udersadig he Defiiio of ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/c90c14675f63af89?.png"/>

Whe we use he word early i Coex

nearly的用法,Udersadig he Defiiio of \“early\”

The eam early wo he champioship, bu hey los i he fial game。

She early reached her goal weigh, bu decided o maiai where She was。

3. early missed my fligh, bu maaged o make I jus I ime。

Expressig Perceages wih ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/41ec2280762036f5?.png"/>

Whe alkig abou perceages,early ca be used oidicae a value ha is close o bu o exacly a specific amou. For example,if asude scores 98% o a es, you could say hey early i Compariso

nearly的用法,Udersadig he Defiiio of \“early\”

Whe comparig wo higs, early is ofe used o show ha oe hig is very close o aoher i quaiy,qualiy,or degree. For example,you could say ha oe compay early doubled is profis compared o he previous year。

Fial Thoughs o Versailiy of ue-image" src="https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/2b722ae5379e83b8?.png"/>

一件大衣。he word early adds deph ad specificiy o our laguage。

