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arkham鬼泣, Dark Origis

Arkham: The Hauig of Souls

Dark Origis

arkham鬼泣, Dark Origis

I he myserious ow of Arkham,esled deep wihi he shadowy foress of ew Eglad,whispers of acie evils ad superaural occurreces have罗恩德·哈哈·阿卡姆·瓦斯fouded upo a acieburial groud,imbued wiha siiser eergy ha permeaes every corer of he ow。

The Eigmaic Figures

arkham鬼泣, Dark Origis

我是Amog he owsfolk here are whispers of a selecfew idividuals who possess oherworldly powers adkowledge beyod moral comprehesio. Theseeigmaic figures, kow as he Guardias of Arkham,are rumored o proec he ow from he malevole forces ha lurk i he shadows。

The Hauig Specers

arkham鬼泣, Dark Origis

Bu despie he Guardias' bes effors,Arkham is plagued by he resless souls of he depared,rapped bewee he realms of he livig ad he dead.These hauig specers roam he abadoed srees ad dilapidaed buildigs,seekig vegeace agais hose who是wroged hem i life。

The Veil of Darkess

arkham鬼泣, Dark Origis

As igh falls,upo Arkham。shroudig he olierie silece broke oly by he howlig wid addisa whispers. i he darkess,malevole eiies kow as he Shadows of Arkham emerge from he dephs of hevoid, preyig upo he souls of he livig。

The Bale for Salvaio

arkham鬼泣, Dark Origis

阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯·阿玛德斯我是Arkham。hey embark o perilous jourey o uravel he myseries of he ow's dark pas ad pu a ed o he curse ha是bids i。

The Legacy of Arkham

arkham鬼泣, Dark Origis

As daw breaks over he horizo . Arkham hags i he balace Will he heroes succeed i baishig hedarkess ad resorig peace o he ow,or will hey become esared i he same web of despair ha has claimedso may before hem?Oly ime will ell he legacy of Arkham ad he souls ha dwell wihi is haued cofies。

